Sunday, 1 June 2014

Stereotype # 21 - Being good at Punjabi makes you a Paindu!

Punjabi is one of the provincial languages of Pakistan and is generally thought of to be extremely loud, and at times a little inappropriate. It's not a mild dialect and could be a bit brash on the ears. One stereotype that seems to be set with the Punjabi language is that it is usually spoken by the rural residents namely, the paindu's! And that a Punjabi speaking person is in no way in tune with the modern residents. However, this stereotypical assumption makes people forget that being fluent in Punjabi does not go against somebody's favor but rather adds in to a person's exceptional skill in being fluent in more than just one language.

Being great at Punjabi does not make one a PAINDU.

Stereotype - Being good at Punajbi makes you a Paindu!   Status = BUSTED!

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Stereotype # 20 – Pakistani’s cannot converse in English

Urdu, being the national language of Pakistan, is spoken by the majority of nationals. The provincial languages of Pakistan too have a tinge of Urdu in them. The locals understand each other and know how to converse with one another in a language they can interpret comfortably. But this does not mean that Pakistani’s have not caught up with the rest of the world when it comes to being fluent in the global language understood by all; English.

English is a language that all Pakistani’s are well aware of. They use it in their day to day lives. Most of the curriculum in Pakistani schools is also taught in the English language. The language has become ingrained as part of the Pakistani culture.  In spite of that, due to the widely held stereotype that Pakistani’s cannot in fact speak English, most foreigners are in awe of an English speaking Pakistani.
The fact of the matter is, we Pakistani’s can defend ourselves in the global front in a foreign language with as much passion and fluency as any other English-speaking non-Pakistani! English is NOT our national language. But we have a grasp of it and that itself is an achievement!

Stereotype – Pakistani’s cannot converse in English.    Status = BUSTED!

Stereotype # 19- No freedom of expression in Pakistan

Since most people take Pakistani’s to be extremely intolerant and disagreeable, it is automatically assumed that they cannot stand a differing point of view. However, this is another stereotype that has caught on and is now associated with Pakistan on a usual basis.

The truth is, Pakistani’s are not out to get each other. Sure, they have differences of opinion every now and then but this should not be taken as sheer hatred for the other with opposing views. We don’t roam around ready to hurl abuses at someone who does not go with what we have to say. The reality is far from what is seen out front.

Stereotype – No freedom of expression in Pakistan.   Status = BUSTED!

Stereotype # 18 – Pakistani’s are biased and unjust

“I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it’s for or against.”

While we may be in the news for waging wars and snatching away the rights of others, there are many among us who are working day in and day out to quell this negative assumption about Pakistani’s. There are many among us who take all as one with no divisions on the basis of sects, religions, caste or creed. There are many among us who pray for harmony and peace every day of their lives. And there are many among us for whom being just is a natural course that they must take.

Stereotype – Pakistani’s are biased and unjust.   Status = BUSTED!

Stereotype # 17 – A Lazy Nation

Often times, Pakistani’s are mistook for being lazy, disinterested in anything they do and useless to the point where they can’t even get their work done on time. While this is claimed with absolute conviction, what is ignored is the colossal willpower and hard work that is possessed by most Pakistani’s. They jump to accomplish any task at hand and then finish it to the point of perfection. Pakistani’s are great at what they do as long as they set their mind to it. Hand them over a challenge and they’ll make sure they get to the bottom of it by giving it all that it takes!

Stereotype – A lazy Nation.   Status = BUSTED!

Monday, 26 May 2014

Stereotype # 16 - Male Chauvinism in Pakistan

Pakistani men are usually mistook for being complete chauvinists who push aside the women in their lives and take all the glory! However, this is a stereotype that needs serious busting. Pakistani men may be more protective or may have a more practical approach when it comes to women but quite often, these gestures of theirs are mistook for being misogynistic. It is wrong of us to generalize all the Pakistani men in the same category. 

Ali, a student of A'levels tries to clear the air with these words, "If I'm asking a woman to stay as far away from something as possible, its not because I don't want the best for her. It is only because I know how bad the world can get and how badly she may be harmed. Why is my protectiveness being taken for misogynism?"

This stereotype is not just held by people all over the world but also within Pakistan. It is just something that people have accepted as part of the Pakistani society. Which is why, even men who are far from being chauvinists are blamed for being ones!

Maybe it is time for us all to cut Pakistani men some slack!

Stereotype - Male Chauvinism in Pakistan.    Status = BUSTED!

Here's Mia. Her Dad is not a chauvinist!

Stereotype # 15 - Pakistani's are extremely intolerant!

Why is it that in most cases, the majority supersedes and gets to have a dominant say in most matters but when it comes to negative ideas/thoughts/stereotypes, the views of the minority seem to spread like wildfire. A limited set of people end up making things difficult for everyone.

The intolerant beliefs of the people and the negative actions of a few are more publicly reinforced, while the major chunk of Pakistan that does not wish harm on anyone is sidelined to the extent that people start questioning whether tolerant Pakistani's do in fact exist or not.

Here is the reality,

Not everyone in Pakistan is on a spree to target those whose religious views differ from theirs. Generally, people from the various sects and religions live within the same locality in peace and with no disagreements what-so-ever. It is the blood game that has been going on in Pakistan that ultimately makes it difficult for Pakistanis to live in harmony.

Pakistan came into existence keeping the rights of the minority sects in mind. The minorities in Pakistan have as much right on the country as any Pakistani Muslim. Pakistan is their home too and to say that all Pakistani's are intolerant to the point where they cannot accept other religions, is wrong and stereotypical.

So here's busting the stereotype!

Stereotype - Pakistani's are extremely intolerant!   Status = BUSTED!